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Monday, October 31, 2011

Percent (2-9) 10/31

Today, we did a warm-up on converting percents to decimals and fraction to decimals. That led into the lesson (2-9 from the book) about percentages. We talked about how to set up problems dealing with percent (part/whole=%/100) and worked through many examples. We also did some voting on to use as examples!

HW Due Wednesday: p136, 14,16,17,20,22,24,26,27,28,30,38,40

SOLVE Seminar (10/28)

On Friday, we did a seminar on the SOLVE method for problem solving. We had a good discussion about a problem and worked through it using the SOLVE method.

Post Write due Wednesday: Write your own word problem. You do not have to write out the solution, but you should know how to solve it so you can check someone's work.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Field Trip day (10/27)

Today, I took the opportunity to celebrate the classes that have been behaving well. My 2A and 4A class got to play different strategy games--some with logic, some with math. All 9th graders went on the field trip from about noon to 2pm.

No HW.

Tomorrow, we will be doing a SOLVE seminar!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

L-VE (Not LOVE, Solve ;) ) 10/25 and 10/26

Yesterday, we did a warm-up worksheet that was turned in for a grade (Level G- S.O.). We finished the "L" step on the Look Book and did some "L" examples from the worksheet as a class. There was some time to finish the H level homework.

Due Wednesday: Level H- L worksheet #1-6

Today, we did an EOC warm-up to practice the types of questions we'll see on the EOC. We finished the "VE" step on the Look Book and did some "VE" examples from the worksheet as a class. There was some time to finish the VE level homework.

Due Thursday: Level H- VE worksheet

Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Back! It's Word Problem Week! (10/24)

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful fall break!

We're kicking off the 2nd nine weeks with a week on problem solving. We're going to be using a method called S.O.L.V.E. to knock out these word problems!

Today, we went over a powerpoint that gave an overview of the SOLVE method. The students took notes on the parts of each step. We worked out one example all of the way through, and then we started a second example. The students made a "Look Book" foldable which has six flaps. One flap has the word problem written on it, and the other 5 flaps have SOLVE. We're going to be using this look book all week as we work through the steps.

After the overview, we focused on the S and O steps. The students started working a worksheet with examples to practice those two steps.

HW: Finish the SO worksheet.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Last day before Fall Break! (10/13)

Today was the last school day before FALL BREAK! WOOT WOOT!


In class, everyone took the cumulative 9 weeks test today. I'll them scanned and put into gradespeed by 3pm tomorrow. All grades will be final by 3pm tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Fall Break!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wrapping up the 9 weeks! (10/11-10/12)

Yesterday, 10/11, we took the 2.6 to 2.8 test. There's no homework--just make sure you turn in any missing work.

Today, 10/12, was a review day! The 1st 9 Weeks Test is tomorrow, and all students received a review guide for it. The students spent the class period working with a partner on the review problems.

Tomorrow, I will answer any last minute questions, and then we'll take the test!

Monday, October 10, 2011's been a while! (10/10)

I'm terribly sorry for the lack of posting last week. I was out two days for professional development for a "Reading Across the Curriculum" workshop and was out half a day on Friday for a doctor's appointment. Eek. (Not like me---I promise I shouldn't be out that much again!)

So, between Wednesday and Friday of last week, we mostly reviewed and then learned a little something new from section 2-8. Here are the assignments in no particular order:

page 123 #10,12,14,16,18

page156 #35-48

page 125 #44-55

2-6/2-7 Practice Worksheet

page 130 #1,2,3,4,6,8,9,14,15,16,17,18


Today, we filled in a study guide for the test tomorrow that covers sections 2-6 to 2-8. The only homework for the night is to STUDY!!!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

2-7 part b (10/4)

Today, we did a warm-up that involved solving many different types of equations. We went over the homework from the night before, and then started in on the second part of section 2-7. This involved unit conversions, solving proportions with expressions, and scale factors.

HW: p123 #10,12,14,16,18,19,39,40

2-7 part A (10/3)

Today, we did a warm-up that reviewed absolute value equations, and then took a quiz on solving absolute value equations (2-6). We started 2-7 by talking about ratios and proportions.

Due Tuesday: p123 #1-9