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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Square-Square-Multiply-Double! (3/28)

Today, we did a warm-up from our last DEA assessment. Students received their old DEA booklet to start using as warm-ups. Hopefully, all of the extra practice with multiple choice questions will help prepare students for the EOC by giving them better test taking skills.

The lesson today was on section 7-9 "Special Products." Students learned two different patterns to use a short cut for certain special binomials. One was "square-square-multiply-double!" and the other was the difference of two squares.

Also, in 3A and 4A, students graded each others quizzes (no names on the quizzes...just numbers). This allowed us to go over the quiz affectively and also see mistakes to avoid on the test on Friday.

Due tomorrow: #1-18 on the 7-9 worksheet.

Remember: ALL Test Corrections are due Friday AND the Ch. 7B TEST is Friday!

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