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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Elimination! (2/29)

Today, we did a warm-up reviewing how to solve a system by graphing and by substitution. We started the lesson right after that on section 6-3 "Solving Systems by Elimination." After doing #1,2,6 and 8 on the worksheet together, the students got in partners to finish #3,4,5, and 9.

Due tomorrow: on the 6-3 worksheet, finish #3,4,5,9

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Word Problems and Stock Seminar (2/28)

Today, we did a warm-up reviewing how to solve systems of equations using substitution. We went over any confusing homework problems, and then we finished the worksheet from yesterday by doing the word problems (10 and 11). Our "lesson" today was finishing up those word problems.

For the remainder of the period, we did a mini-seminar on stocks. We talked about some of the concepts our guest speaker introduced us to last week and talked about the students' opinions about what they would buy if they bought stocks.

Due by Friday: go to . Click "Listings Directory" at the top of the page. Click "index." Choose 2 companies from the index that you want to invest your imaginary money in for this project. Write down their ticker symbols and write a couple of sentences explaining why you picked those two companies.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Substitution (2/27)

Today, we did a warm-up on the graphing calculator. The students learned how to graph a system of equations and then find the solution by using the "Intersect" tool.

That led us into our lesson on 6-2: "Solving Systems by Substitution." We talked about how sometimes equations are not easy to graph, so there are other ways to find a solution to a system besides graphing. All students received a worksheet to help them take notes on the steps of how to use substitution and then we worked examples out as a class. For the last 20 minutes of class, students worked in partners to finish 1-9 on the worksheet.

Due tomorrow: #1-9 on the 6-2 Practice Worksheet

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Guest Speaker Day! (2/23)

Today, Matt Wiltshire, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Community Development, came to talk about stocks: what they are, how they have value, and how you buy/sell them. Students had a chance to ask him questions about stocks and the stock market. It went really well! (This was to lead into our new Paideia project about the stock market--more details to come about that).

For the brief time we were in class, we reviewed material for the Ch. 5B ReTest that is tomorrow!

For tomorrow: STUDY! Finish test corrections!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Graphing Systems (2/22)

Today, we did a warm-up reviewing a few of the concepts from Chapter 5. (Because we are doing the Ch. 5B re-test on Friday).

We jumped into the lesson--section 6-1 (part B). Students received a sheet of paper with 6 coordinate planes on them. There were six examples total, and all of the students had to graph equations by hand and by graphing calculator to solve the system of equations.

Due tomorrow: page 400 #2,4,6,7,8

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mini-Lesson and Groups (2/21)

Today, we split up into groups! We're going to try and do an experiment to see if having the class in groups helps everyone learn better... I'll let you know how it goes by Friday :)

We did a warm-up where we talked about what a solution is. There was a "mini-lesson" on section 6-1 which was about checking a solution in a system of equations (plug it in and see if it works). (Tomorrow, we'll work on the graphing part).

All of the students got their test back from last week. We talked about how we are going to do a RE-TEST on Friday to make sure everyone is understanding slope, slope-intercept form, graphing lines, and writing equations of lines.

Correcting the test will be a QUIZ grade! This is due by the end of the day on Wednesday.

No homework, unless you want to go ahead and work on those test corrections!

-PS- Friday, there was a sub, and students did a practice worksheet for 5-5.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Last DEA Test! (2/16)

Today, we did a warm-up reviewing domain and range and Pythagorean Theorem. After the warm-up, students received their scantron forms and test booklets for our last DEA test.

DEA stands for "Discovery Education Assessment." You've seen the results from the previous DEA tests on those forms attached to the report cards. Hopefully, the DEA test today will reveal improvement in all of my students!

You should get the results for this DEA test by the next report card.

Due tomorrow: (same thing as yesterday)

page 333 #2,4,5,6,8,10,16,18

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Midpoint and Distance (2/15)

Today, we had a notebook quiz! Students needed to turn in 5 of the following things:

*2-4 sets of notes for 5-7 through 5-10
*2-4 warm-ups from Feb. 1st to Feb. 14th

After the notebook quiz, we did a lesson on section 5-5 from the book-- "Midpoint and Distance Formulas." All of the students received a copy of the guided notes for the section, and filled them in as I taught.

The practice problems (page 333 #2,4,5,6,8,10,16,18) are due Friday because of our DEA test that is tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Test Day! (2/14)

Happy Valentine's Day!

Today, we did a warm-up, went over questions from the homework, and reviewed any last minute questions before the test. Students took their Chapter 5B test for the remainder of the period.


Monday, February 13, 2012

Review Day! (2/13)

Hello! Happy Monday!

Today, we did a review for the test that is tomorrow over sections 5-7 through 5-10.

The warm-up covered three things that will be on the test tomorrow. We went over the homework from last Thursday and talked about what is going to be on the test. Every student got a review sheet with a check list of things to study and a list of problems to do to practice for the test.

After going over the warm-up and homework, students got in groups of 2 or 3 to work on the review problems from the book. I walked around and helped them with anything they needed help on.

Due tomorrow: The problems from the review sheet:

page 383-385 #21-29, 44-61 (yes, it's a lot of problems, but that is why students had almost the entire class period to work on it today)

STUDY for your Ch. 5B TEST!

*note: if tomorrow is a "snow day," we'll take the test Wednesday*

Friday, February 10, 2012

Transformations and Apangea (2/9, 2/10)

On Thursday and Friday, we learned section 5-10 and worked on Apangea.

What your class did on which day depends on which period you have me. 2A/5B and 4A/7B did section 5-10 Thursday and did test corrections and Apangea on Friday.

3A/6B did test corrections and Apangea on Thursday and learned section 5-10 on Friday.

Due Monday: p. 365-366 #13,14,34,40
p. 373# 4,8,12,20,22,24

NOTE: Remember the Chapter 5B TEST is Tuesday!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines (2/8)

Today, we did a warm-up that went over point-slope form (the last thing we did yesterday).

All students received a 5-9 guided notes page. We went over section 5-9, and students filled in the notes pages as we went.

Due tomorrow: page 365-366 #2,3,22,26

Quiz and Intro (2/7)

Hello! I'm sorry I did not have this up yesterday!

Yesterday, we did a warm-up reviewing the types of slope-intercept problems the students would see on their 5-7 Quiz. After going over that and the homework, students had a chance to ask any questions they may have had before the quiz.

We did a wee-bitty intro lesson on section 5-8 (point-slope form). We'll touch on that today as well.

Due Wednesday: page 355 #1,2,4,8,10

Monday, February 6, 2012

Slope-Intercept Review (2/6)

Guess what we learned about today? Slope-intercept form! Go figure. :)

We did a warm-up that involved word problems with slope-intercept. All students received a guided notes page to fill out as we went over the three types of problems they will see on their quiz tomorrow.

Due tomorrow: page 348-349 #14-20, 22-24, 26-27, 32

Friday, February 3, 2012

Apangea! (2/3)

Today, we met in the middle school media room to work on Apangea on the laptops. It's recommended that all students do work on Apangea for at least an hour a week for it to be effective in preparing students more for the EOC.

No homework.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Slope-Intercept what what?! (2/2)

Today, we did part B of section 5-6. There were three objectives for the lesson:

Write an equation in slope-intercept form when:

1) you're given slope and a point
2) you're given 2 points
3) you're given a word problem

Due tomorrow: 5-7 worksheet

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

y=mx+b (2/1)

Today, we had a notebook quiz! Students needed to staple together and turn in 5 things:

1) 3 warm-ups from 1/23-1/31
2) 3 sets of notes from chapter 5 or 2 sets of notes and the motion detector activity sheet

After the warm-up, we did a Think-Write-4 Corners activity. Students had to pick the equation they thought would have the steepest slope, write why they thought that, and then go to the corner that corresponded with their answer. After that, we talked about slope-intercept form and took notes on it. The practice worksheet was due at the end of the class period.

Due tomorrow: page 348 #6,8,10,12,13