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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mini-Lesson and Groups (2/21)

Today, we split up into groups! We're going to try and do an experiment to see if having the class in groups helps everyone learn better... I'll let you know how it goes by Friday :)

We did a warm-up where we talked about what a solution is. There was a "mini-lesson" on section 6-1 which was about checking a solution in a system of equations (plug it in and see if it works). (Tomorrow, we'll work on the graphing part).

All of the students got their test back from last week. We talked about how we are going to do a RE-TEST on Friday to make sure everyone is understanding slope, slope-intercept form, graphing lines, and writing equations of lines.

Correcting the test will be a QUIZ grade! This is due by the end of the day on Wednesday.

No homework, unless you want to go ahead and work on those test corrections!

-PS- Friday, there was a sub, and students did a practice worksheet for 5-5.

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