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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

2-2 (Solving by x and /) (9/14)

Today we did a warm-up (which was the last problem from the Ch. 1 test) and went over it. After that, I taught a lesson on section 2-2 from the book about solving equations by multiplying and dividing. We did lots of fraction examples to make sure we were okay with those. We went over the homework from the "Problem Solving" worksheet to make sure everyone had the first four right.

After all of that, the students did practice on 2-2 by finishing the worksheet and doing problems #22,23,29,32,36,38,42, and 44 from pages 87 and 88.

Due tomorrow: Finished 2-2 Problem Solving Worksheet and p87-88 #22,23,29,32,36,38,42,44

Scheduling notes: Quiz on 2-1 to 2-3 is FRIDAY. Test corrections from Chapter 1 are due Friday. The 2-1 to 2-6 TEST will be next Friday, 9/23.

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