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Friday, September 23, 2011

2-5 (Solving Literal Equations) (9/23)

Today, we literally solve literal equations! (ha!)

First we did a warm-up that involved reviewing solving equations with variables on both sides when the answer is either "all real numbers" or when it is "no solution." After going over that and the homework, we started in on the last lesson of this unit, "Solving Literal Equations."

By the way, a literal equation is just an equation that has more than one variable like: A=lw or m-n=5.

The students all had a chance to start on the homework which is....

Due Monday: page 109 #2,3,4,6,9,10

PS- I'm going to be unable to be at school on Monday due to my grandmother's funeral services. I explained to the class that while I am gone, they are to be doing review work in order to prepare for their test. Thanks for the thoughts and prayers!

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