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Monday, October 24, 2011

Welcome Back! It's Word Problem Week! (10/24)

I hope everyone had a wonderful and restful fall break!

We're kicking off the 2nd nine weeks with a week on problem solving. We're going to be using a method called S.O.L.V.E. to knock out these word problems!

Today, we went over a powerpoint that gave an overview of the SOLVE method. The students took notes on the parts of each step. We worked out one example all of the way through, and then we started a second example. The students made a "Look Book" foldable which has six flaps. One flap has the word problem written on it, and the other 5 flaps have SOLVE. We're going to be using this look book all week as we work through the steps.

After the overview, we focused on the S and O steps. The students started working a worksheet with examples to practice those two steps.

HW: Finish the SO worksheet.

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