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Monday, April 23, 2012

Finishing, Reviewing, Graphing (4/23)

Today, we did a factoring warm-up that was multiple choice.  All of our warm-ups will be multiple choice this week in an effort to talk about test taking skills before the EOC!  The EOC is in one week and one day, so we will spend some time this week reviewing each day.  Today, students who needed to finish their Ch. 8 Test finished it, and they also all got a review sheet to work on.  There will be a review sheet for each day.  After doing the review, the students learned more about graphing quadratics on the graphing calculator.

Tomorrow, we will be taking a practice EOC test, so there will not be a new lesson.

Due tomorrow: Finished Review Sheet.  Note: There will be a quiz on types of numbers and properties on Wednesday.

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