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Monday, April 30, 2012

Review Day #5! (4/30)


Today was one last review day before the EOC!  We did a warm-up that was multiple choice and went over systems of equations.  We went over the previous two review sheets by having volunteers come up to the board and work out the problems.  All students got one last review sheet to do for practice (even though I'm not going to be picking it up tomorrow).

For tomorrow: NO homework.  STUDY!  Remember to get a good night's sleep tonight.

Some advice for tomorrow when taking the EOC:
  • Relax
  • Listen to directions
  • Plan your time
  • THINK about the questions
  • Use the answer choices to help you figure out the question
  • Eliminate answers when possible
  • If a question asks you to "solve," plug the answers back in! 

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