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Monday, November 28, 2011

Chapter 3 Review (11/28)

Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope everyone's break was lovely!

Today, we reviewed what we've been doing the past two weeks--solving and graphing inequalities a.k.a. Chapter 3. The chapter 3 test is TOMORROW so we spent today going over all the types of problems that could be on the test.

We did a warm-up that reviewed section 3-7 and then went over the 3-7 homework. After filling out a graphic organizer to figure out who are classroom partners will be, we got in partners to work on the chapter 3 study guide.

For tomorrow: STUDY for the TEST! Finish the questions on the study guide if you didn't finish in class. (see below)

do #6-8, 12, and 13 on page 220
# 18,20,24, 30,31,32 on page 221
# 42,43,49, 52,53,62 on page 222
# 63,65,68, 74,76 on page 223

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