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Monday, November 7, 2011

Percent Change (11/7)

Happy Monday!

I hope everyone's weekend was wonderful!

Today, we'll do a warm-up covering some of the topics of percent that we covered last week. (We'll make sure you don't forget what you've learned!) During the warm-up, I will check the homework from the weekend--which was the finish the front page (#1-6) of the Weighted Average Activity from Friday. We're going to go over it as well.

The lesson today is from section 2-11 in the Algebra textbook, and it covers percent increase and percent decrease. We'll learn what those are and how to apply them to everyday life (sales, marking up something wholesale to make a profit, discounts, tax, etc).

We also filled out "parner clocks" so we could be more organized in our grouping for practice work. After doing that, everyone got together with their 2 o'clock partner to do the practice problems below.

Due tomorrow: finish the practice problems from class-- page 147 #2,4,6,7,8,10,12,32,34

NOTE: Remember the test on 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, and weighted averages is WEDNESDAY!

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