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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Practice makes Perfect (Review day--11/8)

Today was a review day! We did a warm-up that had example questions from the test tomorrow (solving an equation, a commission problem, and a % problem). We went over the homework from 2-11 to review the percent of change problems. The rest of the class period was spent in groups while they worked on their review sheet. The review sheet (and all listed problems) are due tomorrow.

Please STUDY for your test tomorrow by finishing the review sheet, re-working examples from your notes, and going over examples from the book. The test covers section 2-9, 2-10, 2-11, and weighted averages.

DUE TOMORROW: All of the questions listed on the review sheet need to be completed. (see gradespeed for an attached version of the review sheet if you need one).

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