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Monday, February 13, 2012

Review Day! (2/13)

Hello! Happy Monday!

Today, we did a review for the test that is tomorrow over sections 5-7 through 5-10.

The warm-up covered three things that will be on the test tomorrow. We went over the homework from last Thursday and talked about what is going to be on the test. Every student got a review sheet with a check list of things to study and a list of problems to do to practice for the test.

After going over the warm-up and homework, students got in groups of 2 or 3 to work on the review problems from the book. I walked around and helped them with anything they needed help on.

Due tomorrow: The problems from the review sheet:

page 383-385 #21-29, 44-61 (yes, it's a lot of problems, but that is why students had almost the entire class period to work on it today)

STUDY for your Ch. 5B TEST!

*note: if tomorrow is a "snow day," we'll take the test Wednesday*

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