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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Word Problems and Stock Seminar (2/28)

Today, we did a warm-up reviewing how to solve systems of equations using substitution. We went over any confusing homework problems, and then we finished the worksheet from yesterday by doing the word problems (10 and 11). Our "lesson" today was finishing up those word problems.

For the remainder of the period, we did a mini-seminar on stocks. We talked about some of the concepts our guest speaker introduced us to last week and talked about the students' opinions about what they would buy if they bought stocks.

Due by Friday: go to . Click "Listings Directory" at the top of the page. Click "index." Choose 2 companies from the index that you want to invest your imaginary money in for this project. Write down their ticker symbols and write a couple of sentences explaining why you picked those two companies.

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